Thursday, October 30, 2003


Satu - satu anak2 blogs pada hiatus, hiatus basa darimana aku sendiri ga tau. toh "hiatus sendiri udah jadi semacam basa di perbloggeran tuk menyatakan dia lagi istirahat ngeblog entah dengan berbagai alesan terus ngasih semacam image didepan index blogsnya "LAGI HIATUS". wah aku pernah ketularan hiatus, karena bosen ngadepin kompie. dudulz deh klo udah bosen nulis, muter-muter blog teman wuih dunia cuman selebar 800x600 apa ga sumpek. inoi dan andin udah wassalam untuk ngeblogs. mentokkah keinganan mereka 'tuk ngeblog? mungkin iya mungkin tidak? terlalu complicated to talk about. Smoga yang pada hiatus pada kembali postingan lagi, biar aku ada kerjaan baca postingan orang. GA PEDULI KALIAN MO NULIS APA YANG PENTING ADA KESAN AKU PUNYA TEMAN JAUH YANG LAGI NGOMEL DITELINGAKU DAN GA TAU KAPAN BRENTI.

Sunday, October 26, 2003


Leot special bwat puasa biar keliatan seger dan berasa ga haus (cleguk) molo melototin neh blogku hehehehe.felicia jugaw ganti leot biru mulus kayak laut, ada rachel juga warna ungu . koq serba oranye? keinget aku sering sariawan(penyakit ga gaul), baidewai aku tersiksa tujuh turunan neh penyakit selain sakit gigi(ampun deh) dan flu (modyar tenan). koq ga ngepunk lagi? hehehe itu yang terpenting ga ada yang bisa menebak pikiran orang, hari ini mau punk sapa tau sore doyan dangdut,-- bukan aku lho :D --. Aku pingin ga terlalu ekstrem aja bisa diterima disemua kalangan dan bukannya aku kuat pada pendirian soal punk. Dan semoga slogan 'memasyarakatkan blogs dan memblogalisasi masyarakat' terwujud
alhamdulillah klo tidak ada halangan insya Allah senen molai puasa. uhuuyy.. sahur dan buka puasa pertamaku sejak jadi blogger T__T *terharu*.dilarang ngegosip dan gerutu orang laen, ngerem ngomong joyok, banyak2 ibadah . Kata pacarku minta maaf sebelum puasa ada pahalanya lho walaupun nanti lebaran juga pada maaf2 an . MOHON MAAF BUAT TEMAN2 JIKA AKU PUNYA SALAH YANG SENGAJA ATAU EMANG YANG AKU SENGAJA ATAU DISENGAJAIN ATAU PURA2 GA SENGAJA. MUMPUNG BLON TERLAMBAT
jam 03.00 sahur + subuhan
jam 04.50 molor klo ga kerja
jam 12.00 dhuhur / masih kerja
jam 15.00 ashar / masih kerja
jam 17.30 maghrib + buka puasa + masih kerja
jam 19.00 isya + terawih + buka puasa level 2 + masih kerja + postingan
jam 23.00 molor + witir + masih kerja + postingan + ngegame
nb:edisi ralat + revisi

TIME OF YOUR LIFE (good riddance)- GREEN DAY

Another turning point
A fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist
Directs you where to go
So make the best of this test
And don't ask why
It's not a question
But a lesson learned in time
It's something unpredictable
But in the end is right
I hope you had the time of your life
So take the photographs
And still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf
Of good health and good time
Tattoos of memories
And dead skin on trial
For what it's worth
It was worth all the while

Tuesday, October 21, 2003


so down
and say ' God please help me..'

Sunday, October 19, 2003


hey, do what you want
but don't do it around me
idleness and dissipation breed apathy
I sit on my ass all goddamn day
a misanthropic anthropoid with nothing to
say what you must, do all you can
break all the fucking rules
and go to hell with superman
and die like a champion ya hey!
hey, I don't know if the billions will survive
but I'll believe in god when 1+1=5
my moniker is man & I'm rotten to the core
I'll tear down the building just to pass through the door .....( quote soundtrack today )

Friday, October 17, 2003


too suxx . gitu tulis ku dimana - mana, wads mean riedz? aku contek dari sebuah album dead kennedy - too drunk to fuck . oo itu hanya ungkapan yang sangat keterlaluan untuk setiap aktifitas, ngerti? artikan sendiri2 bebas tanpa embel - embel... TOO SUXX TO LIFE
udah lama aku 'ditagih' seseorang tuk ngisi neh blog buwat curhat , aku sendiri mikir bingung, aku tuh mo ngomongin apa selain keinginanku. aku bisanya ngungkapin lirik sebuah grup musik, mana yang rada nyenggol feelingku ya aku copi paste disini , enteng khan, ga repot, so klo dipaksa nulis , aku ga pandai nulis yang enak dibaca, bisa2 aku nulis makian penuh neh blog. tentang cerita keseharianku, don't ask.. boring men, tiap hari kayak dejavu. sama dan sama aja. so klo ye suka boleh ye bacal , tapi klo ye ga suka ye boleh maki....

Thursday, October 16, 2003


punk = sejenis musik berisik
hardcore = ngerap + metal
ska = reggae keras
punkers = anak yang rambutnya jabrik
mohawk hair = rambut jabrik (gogon=punkers?)
anarki = sak karepe dewe
musik underground = parade band
pogo = dance anak punk ( dance?)
spike = gelang kulit + pernik-pernik logam
sXe = ga doyan ngrokok tapi doyan sex
scene= tempat nongkrong anak punk
zine = bacaan potokopian
not komersil = ga cari untung tapi balik modal (??)
poseur = punk tampil di tipi (tvri?)
oi..oi = salam sejahtera
indie label = lawannya major label

Monday, October 13, 2003


to all my friends present past and beyond
especially those who weren't with us too long
life is the most precious thing you can lose
while you were here fun was never ending laugh
a minute only the beginning
canton, colvin, nichols, this one's for you
ever get the feeling you can't go on
just remember whose side it is that you're on
you've got friends with you till the end if you're ever in
a tough situation we'll be there with no hesitation
brotherhoods our rule that cannot bend
when you're feeling too close to the bottom
you know who it is you can count on
someone will pick you up again
we can conquer anything together all of us are bonded forever
if you die I die that's the way it is

Friday, October 10, 2003

::poser abis..


sungguh mengharukan aku ternyata dapat pengakuan dari Hargo sebagai seorang 'poserpunk' T__T

Monday, October 06, 2003

SUM 41 - Still Waiting

Aku sering nulis status YM ku dengan tulisan '...still waiting..' yah begitulah hari2 ku saat ini. Nunggu dan menunggu ..
still waiting - SUM 41
...So am I still waiting
For this world to stop hating
Can't find a good reason
Can't find hope to believe in
Drop dead a bullet to my head
Your words are like a gun in hand
You can't change the state of the nation
We just need some motivation
Three times casino eviction
Just lies and more contradiction
So tell me what would you say
I'd say its up... to me
Ignorance and Understanding
We're the first ones to jump in line
Out of step for what we believe in
But whos left? To start the pleading
How far will we take this
It's not hard to see through the sickness
This can't last forever
Time won't make things better
I feel so alone
Can't help myself
And no one knows
If this is worthless
Tell me... so
What have we done
We're in a war that can't be won
This can't be real
I don't know what to feel

Saturday, October 04, 2003

::too deep...

aku dan kesendirianku untuk besok